
Hi there! I’m Dr Angela Offord (veterinarian). I am a long term resident of the electorate of Lyons, working and raising my daughter and pet animals here. 

I am running as your independent candidate in the next election. Why?  because I am passionate about where we live and how we live and good governance.

We are very fortunate to have a system of representative democracy in Australia which means that we vote in people who are at the highest level of decision making to represent us when making the decisions that affect our daily lives.

The job of an elected representative is to listen to their communities, work hard for their communities in a collaborative way with other elected representatives to ensure that the needs and opinions of the community are heard and prioritised and to be accountable for any behaviour, actions and decisions.

In our current two party dominant adversarial system of politics we are not seeing this happen and our trust in party politicians is at an all time low. 

Yet the paradigm is changing. 30% of people didn’t vote for a major party in the last election.

As an independent I am not aligned with any party. I will not be influenced or distracted by party politics, party ideology or vested interests. Your views and values would be my only priority. 

I value integrity, openness, accountability and collaborative decision- making which are all qualities that are essential for earning and maintaining trust.

As an elected independent I can reach across party lines to get answers, I can call out bad decisions no matter who makes them. I would be working hard for you not a party. I would be making any decisions based on the communities thoughts, evidence, science, merit and my conscience not what the party thinks and is going to vote on an issue. 

We have seen just what the inspirational incumbent independents, Helen Haines, Allegra Spender, Zali Steggall, Kylea Tink, Zoe Daniel, Dr Monique Ryan, David Pocock, Andrew Wilkie can do. 

As your elected representative my job will be to listen to you and take action on the issues that matter to our communities to deliver real reforms that most benefit healthy communities, animal health and welfare and our environment. 

Vote for change and vote for trust.

As your representative I promise to:

Angela Offord signature